Barbering Programs in Arizona can help you meet your goal of becoming a professional barber in Arizona. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!
AZ Barbering Training & License Requirements
Are you at least 16 years old with a 10th grade education, seeking a satisfying career helping men feel good about their appearance? If so, attending one of the barbering programs in Arizona might be a great place to start towards a rewarding profession. The Arizona State Board of Barbers requires barbering program students obtain at least 1500 hours of instruction and training at an approved barber school. After graduating from a program, barbers-to-be need to pass both written and practical exams administered by the state. Arizona does not currently allow students to train as apprentice barbers in place of attending a barbering program.
Arizona barbering programs emphasize the necessary safety and sanitation practices of a barbershop. The basic tools, chemicals and equipment needed for barbering are taught and practiced extensively. Barbering programs in Arizona cover topics including the history of barbering and barber shops to business skills and marketing. Of course, the fundamentals of barbering such as hair cutting, shaving, beautifying skin, singeing and honing razors are also taught. Barber schools allow students to practice hair weaving, bleaching, coloring, shaving and hair cutting in student clinics.
Career Outlook for Professional Barbers in Arizona
Arizona is an excellent state in which to begin a career as a barber. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports barbers in Arizona earn an annual average salary of $27,890 before tips. Phoenix has the third-highest employment for barbers among all metropolitan areas in the nation. The city is also the sixth-highest paying in the country, with salaries averaging $31,490 per year before tips. The barbering profession should grow by 14 percent by the year 2020.
Licensed barbers are professionals who trim, cut and style hair for men. Most Arizona barbers care for beards and moustaches and provide facial beautification services. Barbers work hard to make customers feel at ease during their services. Barber shops have a friendly "boys club" atmosphere that appeals to many men compared to getting their hair cut at a salon. Arizona barbering program graduates might rent a chair at a barber shop, or they may own their own shop. Some teach at barber colleges or work providing individual barbering services to the rich and famous. They may get a license as a cosmetologist, too, and work in a salon or spa providing services to both men and women. The career options are vast with a diploma from an Arizona barbering program.
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