Cosmetology Schools in Arizona

Arizona Beauty and Cosmetology Schools

There are many options when it comes to cosmetology schools in Arizona. The Grand Canyon State is known for its beautiful scenery—from snowy mountaintops to desert landscapes to—of course—the Grand Canyon, Arizona offers cosmetology school students unparalleled opportunities.

In Arizona, those wishing to get into the personal care occupations must attend a state-approved cosmetology school, successfully completing the required number of training hours. For students desiring to become cosmetologists, 1,600 hours of coursework and training are required in order to satisfy Arizona cosmetology licensing requirement. You are also required to be at least 23 years old and have completed at least two years of high school or the equivalent. Upon successfully completed the training, students are then allowed to take the licensing exam provided by the Arizona Board of Cosmetology.

But meeting these requirements can pay off in Arizona. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average hourly wage for the nearly 6,000 cosmetologists, hairdressers, and hairstylists in Arizona is $11.56—well above the state’s minimum wage of $7.65. Annually, these professionals make, on average $26,620, while those who work hard and excel in their chosen personal care occupation make more than $42,000 annually in Arizona. Nationally, the options continue to be good. The BLS estimates that between 2010 and 2020, more than 200,000 cosmetologists, hairdressers, and hairstylists will be added to the employment rolls—an increase of 16 percent.

There are many cosmetology schools in Arizona, and choosing one to start your career is simply a matter of selecting one that meets your needs as far as location and cost.

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