Esthetician Schools, Esthetics School Info
Why Consider Esthetician School?
If you love helping yourself and others look and feel beautiful with a healthy, flawless complexion with a customized approach for every skin type - a career in esthetics and skin care may be perfect for you! And choosing one of the many reputable esthetician schools to get your beauty education is the first step. To become an esthetician or skin care specialist is an ambitious career path, and it calls for smart, driven, passionate individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in beauty that is ever-changing as new skin care products and regimens become available. Find esthetician schools near you using the tool below to explore your options for entering the field of skin care.
How Helps You Further Your Skin Care Career offers potential students one of the largest online directories where you can find and compare skin care schools in your area. Students and working beauty professionals alike use our information, tips and resources throughout every phase of their career development. With us, you can find the training program it takes to get started as a licensed, working esthetician in your state. Be sure to compare the benefits of several programs and ensure you choose the right one that suits your individual needs. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us and we're happy to help you find what you need. We love hearing from future students who get inspired by making others feel and look their best.
What You Learn in Esthetician School
Skin is the largest organ on the body. In esthetician school, you will learn how to perform facials, waxing services, body wraps and treatments, anti-aging services, facial massages and much more to take care of that very important organ. Many states also include laser hair removal training as part of the esthetiology curriculum, and the services are performed under the supervision of a doctor or other licensed medical professional. You will also learn about anatomy and the science of skin, and of course safety and sanitation precautions to ensure that every client can enjoy your services in a safe, comfortable environment. Esthetics and skin care education is one of the closest beauty trades to the medical field, and many find themselves working in doctor's offices or holistic health businesses. The length of a skin care and esthetics program depends on your state, so make sure to look up your state esthetician license requirements for specific hour requirements for each. To ensure you are getting the beauty education that matches your needs, request more information from the esthetics schools and ask them about their programs before enrolling. To find out more about what you will learn in a school of esthetics, check out the esthetics program training guide.
Esthetician Jobs and Careers
There are numerous esthetician jobs and careers to choose from. As you pursue your education at one of the many reputable esthetician schools available, you may find that you are especially great at a particular set of skin care skills. At this point you may decide to specialize in a niche esthetics service such as waxing, wraps, laser services, and so on - though estheticians should be knowledgeable of all of these services and how they interact with one another. Many people who are passionate about skin care decide to become medical estheticians or paramedical estheticians who perform more advanced near-medical procedures like laser hair removal and work with some of the more advanced skin care technology. There are numerous esthetics careers in the medical setting. Estheticians usually find jobs at salons and spas, resorts, dermatologists' offices, medical offices, or open their own independent businesses.
Find Esthetician
Schools Near You offers you the ability to search for esthetician schools in your area to find a quality skin care institution that fits your needs. Upon completing your esthetics program, you can obtain your state esthetics license and begin your career helping clients get great skin.