Makeup Artistry Programs in West Virginia can help you choose the right program for your goals in the beauty industry. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!
WV Makeup Artist Training & License Requirements
Do you enjoy creating makeup for yourself and others on special occasions? If so, you should consider becoming a professional makeup artist. Makeup artistry programs in West Virginia teach students the tools and techniques needed to create fashion-ready makeup for any setting. West Virginia does not require licenses for makeup artists. However, employers want to know their makeup artist can apply reliable makeup techniques and effects successfully on most clients. Most professional makeup artists in West Virginia have licenses as cosmetologists or estheticians.
Cosmetologists must complete 1800 hours of beauty school, and estheticians complete 600 hours. After school, they sit for written and practical exams administered by the West Virginia State Board of Barbers & Cosmetologists. After passing the exams, you receive your initial license in West Virginia. Your makeup artistry program teaches you color theory and about choosing makeup colors for clients' skin tones. You will know how to contour faces using shading and highlights, as well as how to apply color to lips, eyes and cheeks properly. Most West Virginia beauty schools and makeup artistry programs also teach fashion, glamour and theatrical special effects makeup skills.
Students in makeup artist programs learn about photography and film lighting conditions and the effects on skin tone and colors. They begin to build a professional portfolio of their best work. Most importantly, you will have earned the confidence, marketing and communication skills needed to attract loyal customers.
Career Outlook for Professional Makeup Artists in West Virginia
West Virginia beauty professionals earn an annual average salary of $24010 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). However, those working in the District of Columbia area earn an annual average of $47,520 per year before tips. The District has the fifth highest employment for beauty professionals of all cities in the nation, thanks to the needs of politicians and public figures for beauty help every day.
Makeup artists throughout West Virginia help everyone from TV personalities to catalog models. Every news anchor, commercial actor or amusement park character you see has benefitted from the help of a makeup artist. Most makeup artists supplement their incomes through freelancing, doing special events and weddings. Others work in department stores, representing major cosmetics brands and giving beauty advice and makeovers. You can join the ever-changing world of fashion and beauty by starting your career with a degree from one of the quality makeup artistry programs in West Virginia.
Take the next step toward a career as a makeup artist. Review our list of featured programs below to contact schools in your area today!
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