Cosmetology Schools in West Virginia

From Charleston to Morgantown, from Steubenville to Ashland, unparalleled beauty, recreation, and cultural diversity make selecting among the many cosmetology schools in West Virginia an adventure in itself. But the adventure comes not because of too few options, but because of so many opportunities to study, learn, and become licensed in the Mountain State.
With highly metropolitan areas and sparsely populated countryside communities to please the tastes of just about anyone, West Virginia will likely meet your needs. And with reciprocity laws allowing licensed cosmetologists, barbers, nail technologists, and others in the personal beauty industry to practice in other states, attending beauty schools in West Virginia is an attractive option.
In West Virginia, cosmetologists earn, on average, $23,320 annually according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Nationally, the job prospects are good, the BLS says. Between 2010 and 2020, the demand for licensed cosmetologists, hairdressers, and hairstylists is expected to increase by 16 percent, adding nearly 100,000 new positions. And when barbers and shampooers are included in the figures, there will be a need for more than 200,000 new professionals.
Becoming a licensed cosmetologist in West Virginia requires attending a beauty school that has been certified by the state’s Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists. These schools must provide a minimum number of training hours, depending on the chosen field. For barbers, that means 1,800 hours of training; for cosmetologists, 2,000 hours; and for nail technicians, 400 hours. In addition, students must pass a licensing exam.
Cosmetology schools in West Virginia offer great options for any student.
Cosmetology Schools in West Virginia
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