Barbering Programs in West Virginia can help you choose the right barbering program for your goals in the beauty industry. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!
WV Barbering Training & License Requirements
Barbering programs in West Virginia prepare motivated and talented students to enter the competitive world of hair care for men. The field of barbering is projected to grow by 14 percent by 2020 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and there is no shortage of men who need skin and hair care in the future. Barbers cut and style men's hair, provide shaves and facial skin treatments, and groom men's facial hair. Barbers learn to create and care for men's hair pieces during their barber education program. Some barbers in West Virginia also learn to provide haircuts to women. Barbering programs in West Virginia stress sanitation and hygiene throughout their programs, as protection for clients and barbers alike.
The West Virginia Board of Cosmetology requires that students attend an approved and licensed barber school in the state to qualify for licensure. Students will need to obtain at least 1,800 hours of education to be able to receive a license. West Virginia does not allow apprenticeship as a path to barber licensing, unlike some other states. Barbering programs will include classroom learning as well as hands-on practice of the techniques and skills of barbering in supervised student clinics. By graduation, students will be proficient in cutting and styling men's hair, coloring hair, straightening and relaxing certain hair types, providing men's skin care, and working with hairpieces. Students must then take written and practical exams before the Board in order to receive their initial barber's license. Licenses must be renewed annually.
Career Outlook for Professional Barbers in West Virginia
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports barbers in the state of West Virginia as a whole earn an annual average salary of $24,010 before tips. However, barbers working in the high-powered Washington DC region earn an annual average salary of $44,530 per year. The District of Columbia is the second-highest paying city in the nation for barbers and hairstylists. Barbers can work in a traditional barbershop or in a hair salon, or they may open their own shop. Some barbers provide on-site barbering services in D.C. to politicians and important business leaders. Others provide haircuts to people in military service. The range of barbering jobs in West Virginia is as diverse as the state itself.
Take the next step toward a career as a professional barber. Review our list of featured programs below to contact schools in your area today!
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