Barbering Programs in Washington

Washington Beauty and Cosmetology Schools can help you choose the right barbering program for your goals in the beauty industry. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!

WA Barbering Training & License Requirements

Barbering programs in the state of Washington help prepare barbers for a competitive and creative career in men's hair and skin care. The field of barbering is expected to grow by about 14 percent by 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. An accredited barbering program will teach students to cut and style men's hair, to groom men's facial hair and shave faces, and to provide skin care to men. Schools also teach students to create and maintain men's hairpieces and toupees. Hygiene and sanitation are constantly taught in all phases of barbering education for the safety of the clients and the barbers. Barbering is an ancient profession, so most barbering schools also teach classes about its history and traditions.

The Washington State Department of Licensing requires a person be 17 years or older in order to enroll in a barber education program. Prospective barbers must complete either 1000 hours of study at an accredited barbering program or a 1200 hour barbering apprenticeship. Both programs will teach hair styling, scalp care, hair coloring and other basic barbering techniques such as providing straight-razor shaves or hot towel shaves to men. Students will practice hands-on barbering under the supervision of their instructor or trainer before graduation. Once the training program is completed, all students must pass written and practical barbering knowledge and skills tests in order to obtain their license. Some barbering program students in Washington choose to get licensed as cosmetologists at the same time they take their barbering exams. Doing so requires only a few extra hours of education in the cosmetic arts.

Career Outlook for Professional Barbers in Washington

Entry level barbers usually work in established barbershops or hair salons. Some may open their own barbershops. According to the BLS, Washington barbers earn an annual average salary of $30,580 before tips. Washington has the fifth-highest concentration of barbering jobs of all the states in the nation. Combined with the projected growth rate for the barbering profession, Washington offers a promising atmosphere for new barber school graduates. Barbering students in Washington who are licensed in both cosmetology and barbering can provide services to men and women and work in a broader range of settings.

Take the next step toward a career as a professional barber. Review our list of featured programs below to contact schools in your area today!


Barbering Schools in Washington

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