Barbering Programs in Utah

Utah Beauty and Cosmetology Schools can help you choose the right barbering program for your goals in the beauty industry. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!

UT Barbering Training & License Requirements

Barbering programs in Utah attract people with an interest in men's hair and skin care. Barbering schools teach students about cutting and styling men's hair, care of facial hair, shaving, and skin care for men. They also teach students business skills such as ethics, marketing and customer service. These courses help prepare Utah barbering school students for the licensing exams and for success in the field of hair care. Barbershops traditionally cater to male clients, but more are offering basic haircutting services to women, as well. Barbering program students in Utah are taught to maintain sanitary barbershops and to sterilize all barbering tools and equipment. Professional barbers are passionate and creative, allowing them to keep men's hair and skin looking great. Some portion of Utah barbering programs occurs in the classroom, but the majority is hands-on practice cutting hair and shaving faces in student barber clinics.

The Utah Board of Cosmetology regulates licensure of barbers in the state. Aspiring barbers must attend at least 1000 hours of education at an accredited Utah barbering program. Utah students have the option of completing 2500 hours as an apprentice to a licensed barber rather than attending a barbering program. After the schooling or apprenticeships have been completed, students must pass both a written test and a practical exam to receive their license. Exams in Utah cover haircutting and facial shaving techniques, hair styling, facial hair grooming skills, shop hygiene, and men's skin care techniques. Courses offered in Utah barbering programs also include skin and scalp massage techniques, basic women's hair cutting, customer service skills, product sales, marketing and job placement topics.

Career Outlook for Professional Barbers in Utah

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts the profession of barbering will grow by 14 percent by the year 2020. The BLS reports barbers in Utah earn an annual average salary of $24,680 before tips. A barber's location in the state, along with experience in the field, will significantly affect salary expectations. Many barbershops and hair salons in Utah cities need trained and skilled barbers to rent space in their shops. Some barbers choose to be self-employed by opening their own barbershops. Others may work in tourism, hospitals, senior living facilities, hospitals or prisons, providing haircutting services to people there. Barbers who maintain a loyal customer base can increase their income through tips and increased customer referrals.

Take the next step toward a career as a professional barber. Review our list of featured programs below to contact schools in your area today!


Barbering Schools in Utah

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