Makeup Artistry Programs in Connecticut

Connecticut Beauty and Cosmetology Schools can help you choose the right program for your goals in the beauty industry. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!

CT Makeup Artist Training & License Requirements

Makeup artistry programs in Connecticut can prepare people to work in a makeup career in one of the best paying states for the job in the country. Makeup artists help people choose cosmetics that help them look their best, whether for a special occasion or for a job on television. Makeup artists in Connecticut often attend cosmetology school, which consists of 1500 hours of education. This degree gives the student a leg up in the very competitive profession. Taking an advanced makeup artistry class further enhances their career opportunities.

The Connecticut Dept. of Public Health - Cosmetology & Licensing regulates makeup artistry programs and cosmetology schools. Coursework includes skin and face anatomy, makeup materials and techniques, color theory, and application of special occasion makeup. Most successful makeup artists also take continuing education classes. Newly licensed makeup artists must work to build up a photo portfolio of their best work and to network with other professionals in the field. They may choose to work several different makeup artistry jobs at the same time, including doing freelance work, helping at photo shoots, and working at cosmetics counters doing makeovers. The more practice a makeup artist gets, the more likely they are to get more and better jobs in the future.

Career Outlook for Professional Makeup Artists in Connecticut

Licensed cosmetologists and estheticians in Connecticut make approximately $29,930 per year, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is the fourth-highest paying state in the nation. Makeup artists who rise to the top of their field as theatrical makeup specialists may earn significantly more money. Becoming successful as a Connecticut makeup artist takes time, focus, and effort building skills and developing loyal clientele. Those who work for makeup designers in local TV, film, photo studios or fashion shoots learn about historical period makeup, character portrayal and special effects.

Every opportunity to practice makeup application and network with others in the business is a step towards an career in the makeup industry. Makeup artists play many roles, depending on the location of their work. If they work in a photography studio or in advertising, makeup artists will usually multi-task and do cosmetics, wigs, hair, nails, and other odd jobs. Keep in mind that makeup artist careers can be available in many types of professional fields. After all, the industry is so important that there is an entire Academy Award dedicated to the profession!

Take the next step toward a career as a makeup artist. Review our list of featured programs below to contact schools in your area today!


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