Cosmetology Schools in Connecticut

Connecticut Beauty and Cosmetology Schools

If you’re looking at cosmetology schools in Connecticut, you’ll find many options—not only in the suburbs of New York, but also throughout the state.

In fact, cosmetology schools in the state offer students a rich opportunity to gain valuable skills in shampooing, scalp treatments, hair design, coloring, manicuring, skin care, personal development, and other areas necessary to pass Connecticut’s cosmetology licensing exam.

In Connecticut, a total of 1,500 hours in coursework is required in order to qualify to take the exam offered by the state’s Department of Public Health. Upon successful completion of the training and passing the exam, students are then credentialed to practice cosmetology in the state. Connecticut, like many other states, also offers reciprocity—meaning that if you meet the criteria in one state, you are likely eligible to practice the profession in other states as well. However, you should confirm this with individual state departments of health or state cosmetology boards.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), cosmetologists, hairdressers, and hairstyle professionals in Connecticut earn an average annual pay of $29,120, nearly making the list of the top five states. The average hourly wage is $14—much more than the state’s minimum wage of $8.25. And the BLS projects that the need for additional personal care professionals will grow in the coming years. It is estimated that between 2010 and 2020, more than 200,000 positions will be added nationwide.

There are many cosmetology schools in Connecticut, and choosing one to start your career is simply a matter of selecting one that meets your needs as far as location and cost.


Cosmetology Schools in Connecticut

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