Barbering Programs in Oregon can help you choose the right barbering program for your goals in the beauty industry. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!
OR Barbering Training & License Requirements
Oregon residents with an interest in men's hair and skin care may find their calling by attending a barbering education program. Barbering programs in Oregon teach students about cutting and styling men's hair, fitting hair pieces, and giving men shaves and facial treatment. The barbering profession is fast-paced and always in demand. Oregon barber education programs ensure students are well-prepared to take their licensing exams. The Oregon Health Licensing Agency requires students to complete 1100 hours of training in an accredited barber training program.
In addition, the state requires 150 hours of safety and inspection control training plus 100 hours of career development education prior to students obtaining their initial license. Once all the training hours are completed, students must pass written and practical exams administered by the Oregon Board. The Board licenses barbering separately from hair design and cosmetology. Barbers are not allowed to provide chemical treatments, such as perms or straighteners, in Oregon. These services must be provided by licensed cosmetologists. Licensed barbers not only cut hair, they can massage the face, neck and scalp and provide skin and scalp care treatments for clients. Some barbers choose to obtain those licenses in order to broaden their income and career prospects.
Career Outlook for Professional Barbers in Oregon
Licensed professional barbers in Oregon may rent a chair at an established barbershop, or they might choose to start their own shop. Full-service and old-fashioned barbershops, along with hair salons marketed towards a male clientele, are becoming more in demand. Men want to get their hair cut or get a relaxing hot towel shave in a comfortable, male-oriented shop. Barbers in Oregon earn an annual average salary of $29,020 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Experienced barbers know they can increase their income through tips given by happy and loyal customers. Barbers who work in metropolitan areas of Oregon have the opportunity to gain a larger client base and higher income. Barbershop owners and barbering school instructors in Oregon may also earn a higher annual salary than barbers who only work behind the chair. Because only licensed barbers may provide barbering services in Oregon, it is important to begin by attending an accredited barbering program to learn the fundamentals of the profession.
Take the next step toward a career as a professional barber. Review our list of featured programs below to contact schools in your area today!
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Read Beauty Education Articles
Find out what is required of you to enroll in beauty school, and learn more about what to expect when you get started. We cover everything from what your first day of class is like, to the cost of beauty school, to what’s included in your student kit. We talk about age and education requirements to enroll, how to prepare for the state board exams and what accreditation really means. All that and more can be found right here in our Beauty School Information Section
Learn About Cosmetology Careers
It’s never too soon to start thinking about what you’re going to do after you graduate. We talk about how to prep your beauty portfolio throughout school, discuss salaries and job demand, and share job descriptions for the beauty trades such as cosmetologist, esthetician, nail technician, makeup artist and more. Our Beauty Career Resources Section has it all.
Apply for a Scholarship to Pay for school
Apply for a scholarship to attend beauty school to help you pay for school. We award one $2,500 scholarship every 3 months to an aspiring student of the beauty disciplines such as cosmetology, barbering, esthetics, nail tech, makeup, laser hair removal, permanent makeup, cosmetology instructor training and more. The annual deadlines are January 31, April 30, July 31 and October
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