Barbering Programs in New Jersey can help you choose the right barbering program for your goals in the beauty industry. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!
NJ Barbering Training & License Requirements
Barbers in New Jersey specialize in providing men's hair and skin care. They learn about these services by attending a barbering program in New Jersey. Barbering programs also teach students business skills, techniques for caring for men's facial hair and giving shaves, men's skin care techniques and products, and barbershop sanitation and hygiene requirements. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics believes the field of barbering will grow by 14 percent by the year 2020. This could make becoming a barber a wise career choice for people with an interest in providing men's hair care services in barbershops or salon environments.
In New Jersey, the barbering and cosmetologist licenses are combined and have the same requirements. The New Jersey Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling barbering and cosmetology students be 17 years old and have earned a high school degree or the equivalent before enrolling in a hairstyling school. The New Jersey cosmetologist-hairstylist license requires 1200 hours of classroom education at an approved barbering or cosmetology school, followed by passing a written test and a practical exam. Training will be provided in the classroom as well as in student clinics, practicing on real clients.
In barbering and cosmetology school, students learn all areas of the practice of men's and women's hair care. This includes learning about cutting and styling hair, giving perms, straightening or coloring hair and identifying and treating scalp disorders. Barbering students learn to groom men's facial hair and give traditional straight-razor barbershop shaves. Students learn professional ethics, customer service skills, and business skills that may allow them to open their own shops someday. Barbering and cosmetology program students also learn the sciences of skin care for men and women.
Career Outlook for Professional Barbers in New Jersey
Newly licensed Barbers in New Jersey usually find work in barber shops and hair salons. They might choose to open their own barbershop and become self-employed. New Jersey licensed Barbers earn an average salary of $24,910 yearly before tips, according to the BLS. New Jersey employs the fourth largest number of barbers in the US, with the New York-White Plains-Wayne NY-NJ metropolitan area having the highest rate of employment for barbers in the United States. The area includes the New Jersey counties of Bergen, Hudson, and Passaic.
Find out how schools in your area can help you become a professional barber. Use our list of featured programs below to contact schools today!
Barbering Schools in New Jersey
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