Massage Therapy Schools in Missouri
Graduating from one of the accredited beauty schools in Missouri is a great way for professionals to expand their career opportunities. Missouri is the Show Me State and is a transition state between the west and east. Several large cities are found in the state, and St. Louis, Kansas City, Columbia and Springfield provide plenty of urban lifestyle activities. Shopping, dining, professional sports and recreational opportunities abound in these cities. Students are sure to have plenty to do in their free time, and they can work on creating a stable financial future.
Students have several school choices, and there are colleges located throughout the state. Studying at beauty schools in Missouri provides the practical experience that is required of professional cosmetologists. Students spend time cutting and styling hair. Thy also learn about manicures and pedicures, and some stylists learn about salon management. Some schools require high school diplomas, but Missouri only mandates that professionals complete the tenth grade.
Missouri has a licensing program that protects the public from inexperienced cosmetologists. Attendance at an accredited Missouri beauty school is essential. Cosmetologists need to have at least 3,000 hours in the class, manicurists need 800 hours and esthetician need 1,500 hours. Local schools help students meet these requirements. Many can assist with job placement, and the beauty industry is currently experiencing tremendous demand.
Cosmetologists can expand good salaries in the future because the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects demand to increase by about 15 percent. Missouri cosmetologists make a little less than the national average of $26,460. According to the BLS, Missouri professionals will earn between $23,350 and $24,720 per year. This amount varies with experience and depends on the geographical area where a professional works. Cosmetologists should earn more in the larger cities like St. Louis.
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