Massage Therapy Schools in Michigan
Applying to beauty schools in Michigan is the proactive approach to career success. Michigan has plenty of opportunities for professional employment, and demand in the beauty industry is growing fast. Living in the state allows residents to enjoy urban lifestyles in Detroit or Lansing. Michigan is in the Great lakes Region of the nation and provides plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities. The American auto industry is also centered in the state, and this creates plenty of great options for residents.
Studying at schools will provide students with several benefits. First, most states require a certain amount of class time before they will grant a professional license. Accredited beauty schools in Michigan prepare students for their career, and many have reciprocity programs with other states. Students can usually transfer their license without any problems. While studying at school, students get lots of real-world experience. They cut and style hair and learn professional techniques.
Residents are protected by the Michigan State Board of Cosmetology. This regulatory agency is in charge of granting licenses to professionals in the beauty industry. The state requires cosmetologists to spend at least 1,500 hours in an accredited school. Barbers need 1,750 hours, esthetician need 400 hours, nail technicians need 400 hours and electrologists need 300 hours. Beauty schools in Michigan also help licensed professionals meet the state’s continuing education requirements.
After a professional has earned their license, he or she has a chance to land a job with a rewarding salary. The outlooks are bright, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts growth rates of up to 16 percent. The BLS estimates that cosmetologists average about $26,460 around the country. Michigan professionals may make a little less than the national average, but they are still well rewarded with an average salary of $24,720 per year.
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Massage Therapy Schools in Michigan
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