Cosmetology Schools in Maryland

Searching among the many cosmetology schools in Maryland is an experience. There are so many options throughout the state—from the D.C. suburbs to Cumberland and the western portions of Maryland.
The Maryland State Board of Cosmetology has set specific requirements for licensure in the state. For example, to become a licensed cosmetologist, esthetician or manicurist you must be at least 17 years old, have completed the 9th grade (or equivalent), completed a course of study for the required hours at a state-approved school and pass the state licensing exam. Apprenticeships under master personal care professionals are also accepted.
Cosmetology schools in Maryland teach the courses required by the state. These courses include, among other topics, hair cutting, hair design, hair styling, hair coloring, manicuring and pedicuring, shampooing, skin care and scalp treatment. Personal development areas such as customer service and time management are also taught. The state requires that schools provide 1,500 hours of training for cosmetologists, 600 hours for estheticians and 250 hours for nail technicians.
Once you have completed the requirements and passed the licensing exam, you are able to practice in your selected specialty. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says that professional cosmetologists, hairdressers and hairstylists in Maryland make, on average, $14.56 per hour—almost twice the state’s minimum wage of $7.50. These same professional make just over $30,000 annually, while the top 10 percent make $42,660—much more than the state’s median individual income of $37,300.
Cosmetology Schools in Maryland
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