Barbering Programs in Maine can help you choose the right barbering program for your goals in the beauty industry. We help students across the nation contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!
ME Barbering Training & License Requirements
Maine barbering programs teach people interested in styling hair and caring for men's facial hair. Barbers cut and style hair for a mostly male clientele. They also color hair, fit hairpieces, shave clients and shape facial hair. Appearance is more important now than ever before due to the increased use of digital photography, high definition TV, and the Internet. Even in the rugged wilderness of Maine, men need quality hair care services. People want to feel confident about their appearance in every setting. People from Maine with more confidence are happier and do well in life. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that employment of barbers should grow by 7 percent by 2020.
Students in Maine barbering programs learn the basics of cutting and styling men's hair, shaving clients and caring for facial hair. They learn necessary barbershop safety and sanitation procedures and the laws governing barbering practices in Maine. Most barbering programs in Maine have student clinics where barber trainees can practice their skills on clients. Some schools include basic barbering tools such as scissors, clippers and razors in the cost of tuition. Many schools also teach business and marketing skills to help barbers manage their own shop after graduation. Maine barbering students must complete 1500 hours classroom education or 2500 hours as an apprentice barber before they can take written and practical exams. After they have completed school or apprenticeship and passed the exams, the Maine Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation - Barbering & Cosmetology Program issues the initial barber license.
Career Outlook for Professional Barbers in Maine
Barbers in Maine earn $26,620 average per year before tips, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that this salary should increase by about five percent every year for the next several years. Barbers usually work in barbershops, but some work in beauty shops, hotels and resorts. A few barbers travel to their clients' homes or senior living centers to help Maine residents look sharp. Many Maine barbers lease a chair in an established barber shop while others choose to open their own shops. Consider some of the high-quality barbering programs in Maine to investigate this growing profession.
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