Cosmetology Schools in Iowa

If you are searching among the many cosmetology schools in Iowa, youpicked the right place. There are many state-approved schools from which to choose, and each offers exceptional opportunities for students.
In order to take the state licensing exam in Iowa , students are required to successfully complete training at a state-approved school. These schools must provide a minimum number of training hours, depending on the specialty desired. For cosmetologists, schools provide 2,100 hours of training; for estheticians, 600 hours are provided; and for nail technicians, 325 hours are the minimum. In addition, students must have graduated from high school or successfully obtained their GED.
Beauty schools in Iowa provide training in areas such as skin care, hair cutting, hair styling, pedicures, bacteriology, scalp treatments and hair design. And all this training hours certainly pays off in the long run. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average hourly wage in Iowa for cosmetologists, hairdressers and hairstylists is $11.94—well above the state’s minimum wage of $7.25. And the average annual compensation in Iowa is nearly $25,000. For those who stick with their chosen occupations and become more experienced, the annual pay exceeds $36,700—a good income indeed.
The BLS also projects that between 2010 and 2020, more than 200,000 cosmetologists, hairdressers and hairstylists will be added to the nation’s employment rolls—an increase of about 16 percent.
Cosmetology Schools in Iowa
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