Makeup Artistry Programs in Idaho can help you pursue your goals in the beauty industry. With us, you can contact schools to compare programs before making the important decision to enroll. Use our school listings below to contact schools in your area today!
ID Makeup Artist Training & License Requirements
Makeup artistry programs in Idaho teach creative, energetic people to enter the fast-paced world of fashion, performing arts, and beauty enhancement. Makeup artists are not required to have a license to apply makeup unless they work in a salon or spa setting. However, obtaining a beauty industry license in cosmetology or esthetics gives people more versatility and better job prospects as makeup artists. Employers prefer to hire licensed makeup artistry program graduates because these professionals learned the latest looks and styles. They also graduate with professional-quality portfolios of their work.
The Idaho Board of Cosmetology requires cosmetologists take 2000 hours of classroom education, or to work as an apprentice cosmetologist for 4000 hours. Estheticians take 600 hours in the classroom or work as an apprentice for 1200 hours. Graduates take practical and written exams and then receive their licenses. Makeup artistry programs in Idaho offer advanced classes in special occasion cosmetics, theatrical and performing arts special effects, and runway fashion effects. Beauty professionals work in a rapidly changing field and must stay abreast of the most glamorous looks and effects.
Career Outlook for Professional Makeup Artists in Idaho
License makeup artistry program graduates in Idaho work with different people every day. They may work at the cosmetics counter of a department store, giving makeovers and beauty advice and networking with cosmetics company professionals. Others work helping local television personalities look their best before every broadcast. Photo studios, advertising agencies, amusement parks and theater groups use Idaho makeup artistry program graduates daily. Idaho is home to a number of celebrities who want to look their best for red-carpet events. Many films and television shows take advantage of the stunning Idaho scenery for on-scene shoots. Makeup artists are valued members of these production teams every day.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the annual average salary of a beauty professional in Idaho is $21,310 before tips. This does not include money earned by a makeup professional who does freelance work for special occasions, weddings, fashion shows or films. Idaho makeup artists working in national or international-level fashion or performing arts earn significantly more per year, thanks to their extraordinary talent and dedication to the art. Makeup artistry is an and constantly evolving career for people passionate about cosmetics and beauty. Professional makeup artistry programs in Idaho prepare these people for success and satisfaction in these careers.
Take the next step toward a career as a professional makeup artist. Review our list of featured programs below to find the right program!
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