Posts Tagged ‘cosmetology schools’

The Secrets Cosmetology Schools Use to Extend Hair Color

Friday, May 4th, 2012

hair schools secretsPerhaps you have wondered why your hair color does not last as long as your friend’s color? Maybe you have pondered what you can do to prevent fading? You may be surprised and frustrated to discover the environmental threats that undermine your hair color on a daily basis. Thankfully, you can take a number of steps to curtail fading and extend the life of your color.

The degree of fading often depends on the shade and type of color used. Katy Perry’s temporary blue hues probably will not last as long as Christina Aguilera’s permanent platinum locks because of the way the color is deposited. Temporary hair dye only coats the outside of the hair shaft and typically lasts one to six washes. While permanent hair dye penetrates the hair shaft to deposit or lighten the pigment of natural hair and lasts four to six weeks.

The most frequent cause of color fade relates to the hair care products themselves. The most common ingredients in soap, shampoo and conditioner rob color from hair, and chief among these is sodium laurel sulfate. In order to avoid sodium laurel sulfate, you will need to use products specifically designed for color-treated hair.

The chemicals in hair dye remain active for quite some time, so avoid washing your hair for at least 24 hours after coloring. When you first shampoo, start with warm water to open the cuticle and finish with cool water to close. Wash your hair this way to lock in color and boost shine.

Ultraviolet light interacts with certain pigments in hair dye and causes an oxidation reaction that produces gold and brassy tones. Invest in products that block the sun’s UV rays. Do not to forget to keep you hair covered on days when the sun is intensely bright.

Exposure to chlorine can strip the color from your hair. Stay away from the pool for two to three days after you color. Beyond that, all you can do is protect against chlorine shock and buildup. Wet your hair with bottled water upon entry and exit of the pool. If you swim frequently, use a clarifying shampoo to remove any lingering traces of chlorine.

Skip the blow-dryer because excessive heat zaps the color from your hair. Let you locks air dry instead. When you exit the shower, gently ring the excess water from your hair and blot it with a towel. If you need to use a flat iron or other styling device, apply a product designed to protect hair from heat damage.

Routine trims eliminate faded ends and go along way toward keeping your hair healthy. If you use permanent dye, you can restore the color with touch ups. Let the dye primarily set on the roots. Do not apply color to the ends until the last five minutes. Allowing dye to set on the ends for excessive periods creates a dull buildup.

Escuelas de Belleza: El Primer Paso Hacia a un Futuro Prominente!

Monday, February 27th, 2012

shutterstock_65325283Las personas interesadas en emprender una profesión prometedora tienen la opción de matricularse en una escuela de belleza y estudiar cosmetología. Con entrenamiento especializado puede disfrutar de una carrera llena de oportunidades y mucha posibilidad de crecimiento.

Usted puede ganar mucho estudiando en una escuela de belleza en América. Las escuelas de belleza proveen oportunidades para educación práctica. Son la mejor opción de educación para los innovadores en moda porque tienen que adaptarse constantemente a los cambios de estilos.

Las escuelas de belleza ofrecen muchos programas con horarios y duración variada. En entrenamiento básico de todos los programas incluyen aplicación de color, shampoo y estilismo de pelo. Otros cursos, como aplicación de maquillaje, cuidado del las uñas y cuidado de la piel también son ofrecidos por muchas escuelas de belleza.

Los estudiantes que asisten a escuelas de belleza tienen muchas opciones sobre la duración del programa que eligen y el horario a tiempo parcial o tiempo completo. Los estudiantes que desean completar su educación rápidamente eligen el programa a tiempo completo mientras los estudiantes que ya están trabajando pueden asistir a tiempo parcial completando sus clases en el horario nocturno. Para asegurar su graduación, todos los estudiantes necesitan completar un mínimo de horas de entrenamiento. Ellos pasan algunas horas en el aula, aprendiendo teoría y técnicas de estilo y color en la clínica. Las escuelas ofrecen flexibilidad total en términos de horario para que los estudiantes puedan completar el curso y seguir con sus trabajos particulares.

Las escuelas de belleza usan métodos y técnicas de educación diferentes como demostraciones en vivo por profesores capacitados, videos, ejemplos del texto educacional e ilustraciones. Algunas escuelas adoptan un planteamiento de 3 fases: entrenamiento básico, adaptivo y creativo. El entrenamiento básico incluye una introducción al estilismo de pelo, maquillaje y cuidado de uñas. El entrenamiento adaptivo incluye gerencia de salón y materias relacionadas con las leyes estatales. En la fase de entrenamiento creativo, los estudiantes adquieren experiencia práctica trabajando con clientes diferentes.

Independientemente de su afiliación educacional o del programa de entrenamiento, los estudiantes tienen que asistir y pasar el examen estatal de cosmetología. Todos necesitan su licencia estatal para trabajar como esteticista, cosmetólogo o estilista de pelo.

Estas escuelas son realmente avenidas de educación llenas de oportunidad creativa donde los estudiantes tienen mucha flexibilidad para aprender. Los programas de educación a tiempo completo que conducen hacia un diploma asociado normalmente toman 9 meses para completar. Los cursos de pedicura y manicura son más cortos.

Las oportunidades de trabajo para las personas que se gradúan de las escuelas de belleza continúan creciendo, hasta en tiempos económicamente difíciles. Cosmetólogos, estilistas de pelo y de cuidado de uñas están experimentando un índice de crecimiento de empleos en el país entero. Los especialistas de cuidado de piel y los maquillistas también tienen mejores perspectivas de trabajo.

La mayoría de las escuelas de belleza ayudan a los estudiantes cuando se gradúan a adquirir trabajo. Pero este servicio no lo ofrecen las universidades tradicionales de belleza. Los cosmetólogos que se gradúan de una escuela de belleza en los Estados Unidos pueden vivir cómodamente. Las estadísticas del año pasado muestran que los cosmetólogos que se gradúan de las escuelas de belleza ganan en promedio un salario de $35,000 anual, en una ciudad promedia, que es comparable con los estudiantes que se gradúan de una universidad tradicional. Además, los cosmetólogos también ganan una buena cantidad de dinero basado en las propinas. Otros ingresos vienen cuando trabajan free-lance en familiares y amigos.

A diferencia de la educación tradicional, el entrenamiento y la educación que los estudiantes reciben en las escuelas de belleza son mucho más prácticos. Esta es una de las razones mayores por cual hay tantas personas estudiando en escuelas de belleza.

Las escuelas de belleza y escuelas de cosmetología son definitivamente la mejor fuente de educación para emprender una carrera prometedora.

The Greatest Beauty School Commercial Ever

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

This hilarious beauty school commercial is part of a series called “I Love Local Commercials”. The series is being created by Rhett&Link (Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal), a North Carolina-based comedy duo and life-long best friends.

To be part of the series, local businesses are nominated or nominate themselves for a free commercial. All costs are provided for by Rhett&Link’s sponsor, Microbelt. So, yes, this is a real school and a semi-real commercial.

According to Rhett&Link’s behind the scenes video, the duo visited Salt Lake City Community College’s campus but weren’t feeling inspired to create the commercial until they spotted the Barbering and Cosmetology school sign advertising $2 men’s haircuts. Upon investigation, they “quickly became entranced by the strange collection of fake heads and the students meticulously styling them.” And a commercial was born!


Eyebrow Waxing May Cause Eye Herpes

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009


As most of us already know, it costs to look good. You’re probably already familiar with the financial costs of looking great – they add up quickly – but what about the price your health may have to pay? Your eyebrows look great – but at what cost?

Hope you’re ready for reason number 872,019 not to double-dip wax applicator sticks in wax.

When it comes to eyebrows, the right shape and appearance can make a real difference in a clean and polished appearance. And grooming eyebrows is an important part of many cosmetology school programs. But in some salons around the country, unsanitary practices are putting customers at risk for various diseases. Among them, eye herpes. Um, gross.

So, how does this happen? According to health and cosmetology experts like Sherry Lewelling, re-dipping waxing sticks into the hot wax container can spread germs and diseases to other customers. For instance, if the waxing customer who comes before you has a cold sore on his or her lip, and that waxing stick is double-dipped into the hot wax, the herpes virus that causes cold sores could be transmitted to you.

Cosmetologists emphasize that every time a stick is dipped into wax and used on a client’s skin, that stick should be thrown away. Experts also recommend that consumers only see waxing professionals who have been licensed in cosmetology or esthetics by the state. When good sanitation practices become a habit, customers will leave your salon both happy and healthy.

When it comes to that nasty case of eye herpes, most cases can be treated. However, there is no cure for the herpes virus and some severe cases in the eyes may even lead to blindness. So whether you work in a salon or are a waxing customer, be on the lookout for trained professionals who meet state standards for cleanliness and sanitation!

NCA and PBA Unite for Beauty Professionalism

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

If you’re a cosmetology professional, chances are you are already familiar with the National Cosmetology Association and the Professional Beauty Association. (If not, you need to be.) Now, these two organizations have joined forces to help you take your networking and connections to a whole new level.

Individually, each of these organizations has represented the interests of cosmetology and salon industry professionals for years. They have served as networking tools and connection-makers for salon owners, hair dressers, nail technicians, estheticians, educators and students.

By providing resources such as membership publications, discounted products and services, in-depth industry research, industry education, trade shows and networking opportunities, the NCA and PBA have been helping their members enhance their careers and their connections.

New possibilities are definitely in store for current and future members! Check out their websites to learn more about the benefits of membership, to get involved, and to keep an eye out for new developments within the organization. According to the PBA, this merger will be an exciting opportunity for everyone involved. (Gordon Miller, former Executive Director of the NCA has joined Behind the Chair as Vice President of “The BTC Experience.”)

If you aren’t already a member of a professional organization, this is a great time to think about joining! Membership fees are manageable for most members and the professional opportunities are nearly limitless. If you are currently or plan to attend cosmetology school, joining these organizations can be a huge step forward in your career.

Any current members of these organizations? What are your thoughts on the benefits or possible disadvantages to membership?

Facebook Page Lands Beauty School Student in Court

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

Are you protected under the First Amendment when you express your opinions in an open forum like Facebook? When does freedom of speech go too far? Well, one beauty school in Illinois is testing that the limits of freedom of speech and the use of social networking sites like Facebook.

Salon Professional Academy of Elgin is suing one of its students for creating a Facebook page about the school where students could rant or vent about classes or instructors. The beauty school is suing Nicholas Blacconiere for unauthorized use of their logo and $50,000 for emotional damages caused by defamatory comments posted on the page. The lawsuit alleges that the defendents published “libel per se,” with statements that were unfounded, untrue and defamatory.

One has to wonder: can corporations or individuals start suing over Facebook posts? If so, this lawsuit could set a precedent on how students are held accountable for complaints or insults posted on the web.

What do you think? Should Nicholas Blacconiere be held legally accountable for his actions, or is this Illinois beauty school infringing upon his rights? Would the damage to Blacconiere’s reputation and future career in cosmetology be sufficient, or is paying financial damages necessary to punish him? wants to know!

Beauty Schools Offer Back-to-School Haircut Specials

Monday, September 14th, 2009

It’s that time of year when the weather starts to hint at fall and newspapers and stores are full of back-to-school savings and specials. And apparently tons of cosmetology schools are getting in on the deal!

The first days of school are a big deal in a kid’s life – and they like to make a good impression. So in addition to the right backpack and sneakers, a cool new haircut is essential for the first day of school – and they don’t have to cost a fortune.

Fortunately, many cosmetology schools are there to save the day, offering special prices for children’s haircuts – and making it easier for parents to fit the right look into their budget. Many cosmetology schools have specials starting at $1 a haircut. Some cosmetology schools are even offering free haircuts to those who need extra assistance!

Is your cosmetology school offering a special deal to celebrate the back-to-school season and offer a little relief to parents’ pocket books?

Cosmetology School Declines Montgomery GI Bill Student

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

One of the most important questions a potential cosmetology school student has is how to pay for cosmetology education. The Montgomery GI Bill was designed to provide soldiers and veterans with financial funding for higher education. Each state has its own Montgomery GI Bill approving agency, and technical schools such as beauty schools are ideal candidates. The GI Bill has even recently been expanded to cover the spouses and dependents of military personnel, so it’s important for beauty schools to recognize and appreciate the service soldiers and their families have given to our country.

Ryan Vaia, a U.S. Marine Corps sergeant, long dreamed of becoming a licensed cosmetologist. However, when she applied to one Illinois cosmetology school, she discovered the beauty school would not maintain Illinois VA compliance because of the need to have an on-site member of the staff maintain academic records. Fortunately there are more than two dozen other Illinois cosmetology schools that do not have that issue.

If you’re a member of the military or immediate family, you may be able to benefit from the Montgomery GI Bill – but make sure the cosmetology school you choose is approved and willing to work with you! As for Vaia, she is already looking at other cosmetology schools in Illinois in order to transfer to one approved for the Montgomery GI Bill.

What are your thoughts on situations like Vaia’s? Have you ever run into any challenges applying the Montgomery GI Bill funding to a cosmetology school education?

What’s in YOUR beauty school student kit?

Monday, March 9th, 2009

Professional cosmetologists use a wide array of equipment to achieve desired looks – equipment they begin to acquire the very first week of beauty school.

After you begin your cosmetology training, it’s time to start investing in everything from shears, clippers and brushes to mannequin heads and more. Many of the professional items included in your student kit can stay strapped to your tool belt years into your professional cosmetology career.

Most cosmetology schools provide student kits and simply include the cost in your tuition. Other schools give you contact information for trusted beauty vendors so you can make your purchase directly. In either case, you will occasionally need to purchase miscellaneous items that are not already included in your kit.

Here is a handy list of sites you can count on to supplement your beauty supplies throughout your training. You can find everything from extensive student kits to smocks and bottles of hair dye.

•    Burmax
•    Jazz-z
•    Universal
•    Sally Beauty Supply
•    My Cosmetology Kit
•    Beauty Kit Solutions
•    Professional Beauty Network
•    Universal Techniques
•    Marlo Beauty Supply

Unveiling the contents of your student kit is really exciting – it’s kind of like unwrapping your future. It also means that you’ll have at least one mannequin head of your very own!

So what’s in your cosmetology kit? What did you need to purchase that wasn’t in the original package? And if you’re already a professional licensed cosmetologist practicing in the field, what did you get in your original cosmetology student kit that you still use today?