More to Cosmetologists That Meet the Eye
Often times cosmetologists, who attend cosmetology school for their specific beauty interest whether it’s hair, makeup, or nails) are publicized as not being as smart as women who went to traditional colleges. Personally, this issue is unfair. It’s wrong to judge someone based on the type of education they have decided to obtain. This is coming from a recent conversation between friends as we all huddled around the TV a few nights past to watch the Amazing Race. Being a huge supporter of Jill since she is a successful hairstylist and going strong in the race, one of my non-cosmetologist friends thought it was “okay” to say she was surprised that Jill had been competing so well against the other constants, being that she is just a hairstylist.
Cosmetologists are just as smart as traditional college grads and can be, if not even more successful.
Three famous cosmetologists to help me make my point:
Madam C.J Walker was the first African American to make hair care products and a grooming system, becoming the first black woman million.
Mary Kay Ash was the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. It’s a little hard to create cosmetics and beauty products without a cosmetology education.
Which brings us to Coco Chanel, this fashion icon also invented her own perfumes. She’s a legend to us.
Power to the cosmetologists!!

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at .Tags: cosmetologist, cosmetology education, cosmetology school