Beauty Trend Weekly Rundown – July 23, 2012
Have you ever looked at a fashion trend, furrowed your brows, scrunched up your face and looked around as if to say, “Are you freaking kidding me?” Of course you have. Because outlandish, ugly, unrealistic fashion trends are everywhere. All it takes is one “it-girl” to get her picture taken in some ridiculous get-up and the trend becomes mass produced, marketed and deemed acceptable. We’re here to call foul on the village idiots who are perpetrating these trends.
Top 5 Summer Make Up Trends –
You don’t have to restrict summer only to outfits in floral prints and bright colours. Playing with make up is quite a fun pass time too. But if you don’t have much time to paint your face often, you can still stay stylish with these five beauty guidelines for this season.
Makeup Trends: Double-Winged Eye Liner –
Winged eyeliner can be seen nearly everywhere these days, from the eyes of the biggest stars on the red carpet to the top fashionistas on the streets. Each of these starlets prefers to sport their own version of this look, as seen in rainbow wings and cat-eye lids. While the traditional winged ear liner is still highly fashionable, there is a new trend arising. The double-winged eye liner gives the eyes an even bigger ‘oomph’ factor. Use these instructions to create your own double-winged eye style and experiment with various colors and shapes to fit a style that suits your individual personality.
Ever dreamed of highlighting your hair some fun bright color, but don’t have the guts to do it? Or maybe you have the guts, just don’t have the lifestyle to support this wild flair in your hair? What if I told you there is a way you can add some soft pink highlights in your fringe just for the day? Then maybe some purple within your layers, and a splash of blue, green, and aqua just at the tips and you can wash it out once you’re over it? This isn’t a dream, it is finally reality thanks to a new hot trend, Hair Shadowing. I recently wrote all about my experience with one of the shadow brands on the cutting edge for Latest Hairstyles. Learn all about it here!
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at .Tags: crazy hair, hair shadow trend, ridiculous fashion, summer make up trends