Women Are Lining Up To Go Short This Spring
Deciding to chop off locks that you have been walking around with for years can be a lot like jumping off the high dive. It seems like a very scary concept at first, but the thrill and sense of freedom that comes with it can actually become addictive.
Short hair has been showing up on celebrity runways for a handful of years now, but the trend is coming through in full force in 2012 as stylists all over the country are turning long locks into short and stunning looks. Spring has clearly sprung, and many women want to embrace its gentle touch by letting the breeze flow across their face and through short hair. A woman with a great short hairstyle will attract the attention of the masses in a crowded room, and many women that go short often have a slight boost in their overall confidence and moxie as a result.
Aside from being on the cutting edge of fashion and trends, getting your hair away from your cheeks and jawline will give you a clean and refreshing look while showcasing your natural beauty. The short bob and the pixie are some of the classic short cuts for adventurous and bold women, but a quality stylist will be able to do a number of variations of those two styles as well as many others while creating a look that best suits your natural tones and angles. Going choppy or layered are two options currently growing in popularity that stylist learn in hair schools. Creams and waxes can be utilized to create shine, shape and clear distinctions between layers.

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at .Tags: cute hair for summer, hair design school, hair styles, hair trends