2011 Holiday Countdown: Fabulous Gift Ideas for Beauty Fans
It’s the same question we always ask right around this time of year: What do I get So-and-So? You comb through catalogs and websites, amble past store shelves, and maybe even straight up ask them what they want. If you’re looking, maybe they’ll tell you. Sweet! Pressure is off! If not, you’re back to square one: coming up with great holiday gift ideas for your loved ones.
Well, if you have someone on your list who’s a beauty lover, we’ve got a solution for you: A new online Zazzle store that features unique beauty-centric designs that you can put on everything from tote bags to T-shirts, hoodies to iPhone cases.
For fashionistas, trendsetters and those who love to stand out, check out the #TrendsFollowMe design. A sassy and clever play off the Twitter hashtag, the T-shit comes in 11 different styles and colors – including long sleeve, basic and with a layered look. If you know someone going to or considering beauty school, it comes in black, which makes it perfect for many cosmetology school environments.
For an edgier look, check out the Life on the Edge design, which features a straight razor nod to barbering and an amazing vintage tattoo style. You can get this design in over a dozen different T-shirt styles, as a hoodie, or even as an iPad case or sticker.
All of the options are under $50, which means you don’t have to break the bank to find unique holiday gift ideas for beauty fans or barbering or beauty school students that tick off both the fun and functional checkboxes.
Get fashion gurus and divas and other important people in your life crossed off your Christmas gift lift by visiting the Cosmetology Clothes Zazzle store.

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at .Tags: 2011 holiday gift ideas, beauty gift ideas, Beauty Products, christmas gift ideas, cosmetology clothes, unique gift ideas