Fear about cosmetology graduation? Worry not.
Every student gets stressed out sometime – it’s part of the student job description. Even for cosmetology students training for a beauty career that they’re super-pumped about, school can be tiring and anxiety-inducing.
We get that. You’re trying to do your best and juggle everything else in your life, and admit it – you do a great job. You’re learning, being creative, having fun, and still keeping up with all your other responsibilities. Congratulations!
Still, sometimes it’s nice to look at the big picture and remember why you’re doing cosmetology. As a cosmetology student, you’re preparing for a beauty career that’s fun, rewarding, and can provide you with a stable, solid future. Check out some of these beauty career facts and get excited for your future in the cosmetology industry!
• As layoffs continue, the beauty industry continues to experience significant hiring growth, with jobs rising 31% in 2008 according to ISPA, the Intl. Spa Association.
• In 2008, Yahoo! named cosmetology one of the top careers earning over $100,000 annually.
• US News & World Report listed cosmetology as one of the “best careers for a changing job landscape.”
• The training process is flexible and licensure or certification can be granted as soon as five months, allowing newcomers to quickly change professions and begin earning a significant income.
Cosmetology students and professionals, what are some of your favorite benefits and perks of your beauty career? What advice can you offer aspiring beauty professionals just breaking into their cosmetology education?

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