New Technology Makes Animal Testing A Thing of the Past
As any savvy makeup and animal lover will tell you, it takes a lot of work to search for animal-friendly cosmetic products. Unfortunately, in the cosmetics world, many companies test their products on animals like mice and guinea pigs to help prevent allergic reactions in humans.
Driven by a ban on animal skin testing planned to go into effect in Europe by 2013, a New Jersey-based company called Hurel Corp. is making advances on the technology that could replace animal testing.
Thanks in part to funding from cosmetics maker L’Oreal, scientists at Hurel Corp. are working on technology that can grow human skin cells in a laboratory. When new products are applied to these skin cells, scientists can simulate an actual human being’s allergic reaction to foreign chemicals.
While this technology is still being tested to determine its accuracy, many scientists feel hopeful that this valuable information about allergic reactions to products can still be gained without causing harm to our animal friends.
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is on board with this idea, too. They awarded the company an innovation award for “animal-friendly achievement in commerce.”
Now, tell us what you think. Would you feel better knowing you bought makeup that didn’t harm any animals?

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at .Tags: beauty, Beauty Products