Cosmetology Teacher Careers
Nearly all cosmetologists attended a beauty school to get their training. But who did you get that training with? A cosmetology teacher, of course! The nearly 2,000 beauty schools in this country need teachers to train the next set of cosmetologists. With so many beauty schools out there, a cosmetology teaching career can put anywhere in the country. Whether you work for a small, locally owned school or for a national chain of schools, you know your career teaching cosmetology will be helping all the prospective cosmetologists out there. With all the training and experience you have, of course you'd want to pass it on with a career in cosmetology teaching! offers you the ability to search for cosmetology teacher training schools in your area to find a quality cosmetology institution that fits your needs. Upon completing your cosmetology teaching program, you can obtain your state cosmetology license and begin a rewarding beauty career.