Cosmetology and Hair Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships can be a valuable part of preparing for a career in hair and cosmetology and a great addition to any hair or cosmetology school education as students need to be able to see skills performed in a professional setting and mentorship is important when working with actual clients. Learning more about becoming a cosmetology apprentice can help you to understand what you need to do to start your career.

The Benefits of a Hair or Cosmetology Apprenticeship

cosmetology-apprenticeshipHair apprenticeships and cosmetology apprenticeships are going to be slightly different, depending on your apprenticeship location. Most who go through an apprenticeship will start by simply observing professionals at work. Apprentices may help with certain aspects of the business, like front desk or reception duties, and will assist salon professionals as needed.

Hair apprenticeships and cosmetology apprenticeships are an extremely hands-on approach to learning. Students are completely immersed in the field from day one rather than mixing hands-on training with classroom work. Students at a general cosmetology school often have to log time on classroom education and book reading before progressing to a level in which they are working or helping in a salon. On the other hand, a cosmetology apprentice who doesn't have access to the classroom and cosmetology theory education will likely need to obtain study materials and work through traditional textbooks on their own time to help prepare for the cosmetology license exam.

Apprenticeships and Cosmetology School

Many cosmetology schools require some form of hair or cosmetology apprenticeship before graduation, realizing the incredible importance of getting hands-on education before entering the field. Students who receive a full cosmetology education before becoming apprentices often have an advantage since their studies have already provided them with a baseline of knowledge that they can utilize in a professional setting. Search our cosmetology schools to get more information about a full cosmetology program.

Cosmetology Apprenticeship Fees

The cost of becoming a cosmetology apprentice will vary depending on the state and salon in which you enroll in the apprenticeship program. Typically the cosmetology apprentice will pay for their own salon tools and educational materials. Depending on their duties and responsibilities, the apprentice can actually be considered a full-time salon employee and earn a wage for their services.

State Cosmetology Apprenticeship Requirements

Different states have different apprenticeship requirements based on their state cosmetology boards and vary in regards to time, length and hours. For example, while some states only require one year of apprenticeship and 1,500 hours to take the exam, others require 1.5-2 years and upward of 3,000 hours to do the same. Take the time to find information about hair apprenticeships and becoming a cosmetology apprentice in your state before making your education decision. You can find this information by viewing our state cosmetology license requirements.

Finding an Apprenticeship

The most challenging part of becoming a cosmetology apprentice is usually finding one. When you contact your state’s cosmetology board, ask them about potential cosmetology or hair apprenticeships. Many will have a list of professional salons and individuals who are willing to supervise apprenticeships.

For many, apprenticeships for hair and cosmetology are the perfect way to get comprehensive cosmetology training and hands-on experience that can help you to jump right into the world of professional cosmetology. It can be an incredibly valuable complement to your cosmetology school education. offers you the ability to search for a beauty school in your area to find a quality cosmetology institution that fits your needs. Upon completing your program, you can obtain your state cosmetology license and begin a rewarding beauty career.

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