Nail Technician Schools in California

Nail technician schools in California are easy to find and will be a great experience. Nail technicians aim to make the hands and feet look as beautiful as possible. Nails are a perfect area to turn bland features of a body into glamorous details that attract attention wherever the person goes. Nail technology specialists are skilled in creating small art pieces that complement the clients, no matter what they are wearing or what they look like. Nail technicians are one of the most creative people working in the beauty industry both in California and around the world. If you'd like to learn more about attending one of the many nail technician schools in California, please contact any of the following schools for information about their programs.
California Nail Training Requirements
California is home to dozens of manicuring and nail technology schools. To become a licensed nail tech in California, the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology requires completion of a 400 hour state-approved training program. Nail techs also have the option to complete a 2-year apprenticeship program of 3200 salon hours and 220 classroom hours under a licensed cosmetologist. Whether a student chooses school or apprenticeship, they will learn about the care of nails, nail beauty techniques, and the uses of professional nail products. Finally, you will be required to pass written and practical examinations to obtain your license.
CA Nail Technician Salary & Job Opportunities
Licensed manicurists in California have many career options. In addition to finding work in salons, spas and nail boutiques, they can operate a mobile manicure shop or provide in-home services. Nail techs work in hotels and resorts connected with the California tourism industry, and some can work in the high-style world of television and movie creation. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, California has the highest number of employed manicurists – 14,000 – of any state in the country. The average mean wage for a nail tech is $20,150 before tips statewide but varies greatly by city and location. The job prospects for nail techs in California are good, and the industry is projected to grow 17% by 2020. The Los Angeles, Oakland, Santa Ana, San Diego and San Francisco metropolitan areas have some of the highest numbers of nail technician jobs in the state and the nation.
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Nail Technician Schools in California
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