North Carolina Cosmetology Licensing Requirements

North Carolina: The Tar Heel State

If you are interested in getting your North Carolina cosmetology license or other beauty license, below is all the information you need to know about getting licensed in the Tar Heel State!

Licenses Available:

Required Hours:
Cosmetologist: 1500 Beauty School Hours
Electrologist: 600 Electrolysis Training Hours
Esthetician: 600 Esthetics School Hours
Manicurist: 300 Nail School Hours

License Requirements:
No minimum age or education requirements on file.

North Carolina grants reciprocity to licensees from another state if they have their current license, they have passed a state board approved or national exam, and have no disciplinary actions against their licenses. The board grants reciprocity to out-of-country licensees if thye have original documents that show school training and after evaluation of the school documents.

North Carolina cosmetology licenses are valid for three years. In order to renew, all applicants must have 8 hours per year (or 24 hours per ilcensure period) of continuing education hours. To renew your license in North Carolina, the following is due to the NC cosmetology board:
- Renewal form
- Fee
- Proof of continuing education hour

NC State Board of Cosmetology Contact Information:
State Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners
1201 Front Street, Suite 110
Raleigh, NC 27609
Phone: (919) 733-4117
Fax: (919) 733-4127

Find NC Cosmetology offers you the ability to search for North Carolina cosmetology schools in your area to find a quality institution that fits your needs. Upon completing your program, you can obtain your state licensure and begin a rewarding career in beauty.